Saturday, January 21, 2012

Unlocking the mystery of Romney's 15 percent tax rate. Yes, it's legal.

Mitt Romney can pay a tax rate of 15 percent because his income, from investment firm Bain Capital, is structured as capital gains in the form of 'carried interest.' Here's how it works.

It may sound illegal; it may sound like a tax dodge. But Mitt Romney?s declared tax rate of about 15 percent, well below that of most Americans, is perfectly legal and accepted by the Internal Revenue Service.

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How can that be?

Mr. Romney, who lists his wealth at as much as $250 million, still?receives much of his income from Bain Capital, a Boston investment firm that he helped found in 1984.

When Romney was working for Bain, he would have received his compensation in two ways: First, a fee charged to clients and taxed as regular income, amounting to 2 percent of the value of the assets under management. Then, Romney also would have received 20 percent or more of any gains in an investment as long as Bain?s profit exceeded a pre-set rate of return.

However, Romney and his Bain partners did not put up 20 percent of the capital ? that came from the firm?s clients,?other investors such as pensions. From their profits, the client investors pay the Bain partners in what is called ?carried interest,? which is taxed at the longterm capital gains rate of 15 percent.

What is carried interest?

It is simply a percentage of the profits of the underlying investment. Although it is unclear where the term comes from, Victor Fleischer, an associate professor of law at the University of Colorado, says one possible origin is from the oil and gas business where someone raising money to drill for oil did not put up much money but received a share of the income if oil was discovered. ?Their interest is carried by other investors,? explains Mr. Fleischer.

How does this work?

Bain Capital made a lot of investments in companies. If they bought one company for $100 million and sold it three years later for $200 million, they would have a $100 million capital gain. Out of that gain, Bain could have received as much as $20 million to $25 million, says Fleischer. Bain would then divide its share among the partners who worked on the purchase and sale. Perhaps Romney got $2 million even though he never invested much of his own money. In other words, his interest was carried by the other investors and he is taxed at the longterm capital gains rate for his share of their profits.

Is this widespread?

Fleischer says other well-to-do investors who use this method to get their money are real estate partnerships, oil-and-gas partnerships, and publicly traded investment partnerships. Although hedge-fund managers make large sums of money, much of this money is short-term capital gains, which is taxed at 35 percent.

The Joint Committee on Taxation has estimated that taxing carried interest as regular wage and salary income would generate about $21 billion in additional revenues over ten years.


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